Teaser Tuesday: Undercover Princess

Hey everyone!

My name is Chiara and I am a bookworm.

First of all I must say to you all, Happy New Year!

And next I’m back to do Teaser Tuesday. This, for those of you who don’t know is a book meme hosted by the Purple Booker. Go to the website to learn more about the rules.

For me this also mean that there will be a book review coming soon … hopefully Thursday.

But your thinking what is all this rambling what is the book and what is our teasing quote.


This week’s books is Undercover Princess by Connie Glynn.

It is the first book of The Rosewood Chronicles. Find it on Goodreads here.

The quote comes from page 247 and here it is……..

He held a finger up to signal them to stay silent and Ellie took a small step toward Lottie. Lottie stayed as quiet as possible, trying to hear what Jamie was hearing and wondering if they were in danger.

I hope you enjoy my little quote and I hope it prompts you to pick up the book.

Once again, my name is Chiara and I am a bookworm.

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