WWW Wednesday #30

WWW Wednesday sees its 30th post here on Bookworms Anonymous, which I didn't think I would see in a million years because, and lets be honest, I am not a fast reader and I have gone a month without finishing a book and this part of my blog won't get updated for extended periods of time. But let me tell you something ... I've finished a book!

WWW Wednesday #28

I'm sure you've been reading all about my days out last week on my Bookworm NOT in Paris post, but if you haven't read that I went out to Liverpool on Thursday and spent a good long time in Waterstones. I bought four books that day and had a great time being back in my favourite bookshop.

WWW Wednesday #26

I think that some of you will have noticed that I didn't put up a WWW Wednesday post last week. I didn't put one up in the most part because I want to give you another week where I hadn't read anything and I hadn't finished anything.