Husband Material by Alexis Hall | Book Review

One of my favourite things about Hall's work is the variety of people that she includes in her work. She includes people from all walks of life, including a few members of the peerage, and sometimes it feels like she tries to tick off as many members of the rainbow as she can, but I think that is better representation than you'll find in most books.

Never Been Kissed by Timothy Janovsky | Book Review

The characters that Janovsky created are really hard not to fall in love with. There is so much depth to the characters, and I love how they grow and develop through the book. They are really fun and light, but serious and explore heavier matters as the book progresses.

Book Review | Tokyo Ever After by Emiko Jean

I really enjoyed this book. The pretence of the book reminded me a lot of princess diaries, which takes me back to being about 8 years old a falling in love with my first non-fantasy book. Admittedly it not the same, but it was the hook that got me caught.

A little catch up!

Hi all! It’s been a while since we spoke but I wanted to catch back up with you all! My name is Chiara and I am a bookworm. I hope the spring has treated you well and you are enjoying the summer so far. The uk is having a scorcher so far. But I’m loving… Continue reading A little catch up!

Mini Reviews: Audible Originals: Call Me Maybe, The Set Up and The Bridesmates

I bring you three different books to review today. They will be short, mini reviews but they are all audible originals. In fact these were my first audible originals and I can't recommend them enough.