Bookshelves of a Bookworm: Letter C

Hi all my wonderful ladies and gentle-worms!

My name is Chiara and I am a bookworm.

With this new determination that I am going to post more often I have decided to bring back bookshelves of a bookworm … but with a twist.

Instead of just slowly plodding my way through my shelves and revealing what a book hoarder I am (and just how many I haven’t read) I am going to work my way through the alphabet.

Starting with the letter C (because anyone who has been following this has seen most of the letter A and B) and I am going to pick 3 books that I have read from that list and let you know whether I like them, will I read them again and if I think you should read them/who I would recommend them for.

I hope that you enjoy this version more than the last … and if you want to have a go, please do. Just remember to link me back.

Without further ado … lets begin!

Book 1: Forever Princess by Meg Cabot

(Aka: Ten out of Ten)

Publisher: Harper Teen

Publishing date: Jan 2009

Pages: 383

Genre(s): YA, Romance, ChickLit, Contemporary

Blurb: What’s a Princess to do?

It’s Mia’s senior year, and things seem great. She aced her senior project, got accepted to her dream college(s), and has her birthday gala coming up . . . not to mention prom, graduation, and Genovia’s first-ever elections.

What’s not to love about her life? Well . . .Her senior project? It’s a romance novel she secretly wrote, and no one wants to publish it.Prince Phillipe’s campaign in the Genovian elections isn’t going well, thanks to her totally loathsome cousin Rene, who decided to run against him.Her boyfriend, J.P., is so sweet and seemingly perfect. But is he the one? And her first love, Michael, is back from Japan . . . and back in her life.

With Genovia’s and her own future hanging in the balance, Mia’s got some decisions to make: Which college? Which guy? How can she choose? Especially when what she decides might determine not just the next four years, but . . . forever!

Questions …

Opinions? I love this book. I my opinion this is the best book in the series … but it makes absolutely no sense if you don’t read the nine books that all come before it. This series was something i grew up. I was about 8/9 when I read the first one and as I grew the books did too. Until I was about sixteen and reading this one.

Read again? Yes … in fact I think I’ve read this about 5 times already.

Recommend it? To anyone. This one is definitely for a slightly older reader (late teens) it hints a sex but it’s the sort of series that makes you believe that even you could be princess.

Book 2: Heist Society by Ally Carter

Publisher: Disney-Hyperion

Publishing date: 9 Feb 2010

Pages: 287

Genre: YA, Mystery, Contemporary, Romance

Blurb: When Katarina Bishop was three, her parents took her on a trip to the Louvre…to case it. For her seventh birthday, Katarina and her Uncle Eddie traveled to Austria…to steal the crown jewels. When Kat turned fifteen, she planned a con of her own—scamming her way into the best boarding school in the country, determined to leave the family business behind. Unfortunately, leaving “the life” for a normal life proves harder than she’d expected.

Soon, Kat’s friend and former co-conspirator, Hale, appears out of nowhere to bring Kat back into the world she tried so hard to escape. But he has a good reason: a powerful mobster has been robbed of his priceless art collection and wants to retrieve it. Only a master thief could have pulled this job, and Kat’s father isn’t just on the suspect list, he is the list. Caught between Interpol and a far more deadly enemy, Kat’s dad needs her help.

For Kat, there is only one solution: track down the paintings and steal them back. So what if it’s a spectacularly impossible job? She’s got two weeks, a teenage crew, and hopefully just enough talent to pull off the biggest heist in her family’s history–and, with any luck, steal her life back along the way.


Opinions? This book/series is probably why I love the Ocean films so much. It is a teen version of that film franchise and I just can’t get enough of it … though now, especially compared to when I read it, it seems a bit … childish. Like I’ve matured and the book isn’t just as up to standard as I remember.

Read again? Maybe …

Recommend it? Good for for younger readers and well worth reading, but I’m not convinced its aged well.

Book 3 The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Publisher: Gallery Books

Publishing date: Feb 1999

Pages: 213

Genre: YA, Fiction, Contemporary

Blurb: Standing on the fringes of life…offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor.

This haunting novel about the dilemma of passivity vs. passion marks the stunning debut of a provocative new voice in contemporary fiction: “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.”

This is the story of what it’s like to grow up in high school. More intimate than a diary, Charlie’s letters are singular and unique, hilarious and devastating. We may not know where he lives. We may not know to whom he is writing. All we know is the world he shares. Caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it puts him on a strange course through uncharted territory. The world of first dates and mixed tapes, family dramas and new friends. The world of sex, drugs, and “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” when all one requires is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite.

Through Charlie, Stephen Chbosky has created a deeply affecting coming-of-age story, a powerful novel that will spirit you back to those wild and poignant roller coaster days known as growing up.


Opinions? It has been quite a while since I read this … it will have to be added to my to be re-read pile soon. When I read it I had not long been diagnosed with anxiety disorder and it really spoke to me on a very personal level. I remember very vividly being sat on a wooden bench outside my math classroom reading this book and it seemed like the entire sixth form was walking past me, there were thar many of them but I tuned them all out, I was so engrossed in this book.

Read again? YES!!!!!!!!! A thousand times YES!

Recommend it? Yes … to everyone. This is just one of those books that everyone should read.

Well … what do you think?

Do you like this new format? If you do give it a like … also you’re welcome to have a go … just remember to link me back.

Next week’s letter is letter D and I look forward to seeing you back here.

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