#SixForSunday: Favourite Characters From A Series

Hi all my Bookworms!

My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm.

How are you all?

So … Another week gone.

Time for another #SixForSunday.

Does anyone else feel like they aren’t dreading Monday as much any more? Like that awful, fearful day has lost it’s hold over us?

Maybe it’s just me!

This week’s topic for #S4S is Favourite Characters From a Series.  This could be a really long list.  In fact I could probably do it with entirely Rick Riordan characters.

Before I dig in let me update you on this month’s topics and, for those of you who don’t know, what #S4S is.

#SixForSunday is a weekly bookmeme created in June 2017 by Steph over at A Little But A Lot, and each week there is a different topic.  I really encourage you to check out their site.

Here are this month’s topics.

3rd May: Favourite First Book in a Series

10th May: Favourite Ending to a Series

17th May: Series You Can’t Wait to Get into/ Dying to Read

24th May: Favourite Character From Series (This week)

31st May: Favourite Series

  1. Percy Jackson from the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan Percy Jackson seriesGoodreads
  2. Holly Short from Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer Artemis Fowl seriesGoodreads
  3. Magnus Chase from Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan Magnus Chase seriesGoodreads
  4. Aelin from Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas Throne_of_Glass_seriesGoodreads
  5. Mal Ericson from Stage Dive by Kylie Scott Stage Dive seriesGoodreads
  6. Inej from Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo Six of Crows DuologyGoodreads

What are your favourite characters? Let me know in the comments … or even better leave your links to your #S4S and I’ll check them out.

Stay home. Stay safe.

And, until next time, happy reading.

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