Book Tag Friday: 10 Bookish Questions

Hi all my Bookworms!

My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm.

How are you all?

Can you believe that I am on a streak this month? Two weeks in a row I am giving you a post that I have actually been tagged in.

This week I have been tagged by a dear friend, Jenny from Jen Jen Reviews. Thank you for the tag! If you want to see her post it is here.

Disclaimer: The Waterstones links below are affiliate links meaning that at no extra cost to you, I earn a small commission.

1. How many books do you currently own?

The last count I did on purely physical books, not my audiobooks or e-books I had 303 but I have bought about 20+ books since and I haven’t kept track of scanning them all onto my library app.

2. How many books are you currently reading?

According to Goodreads I am currently reading 7 books but four of them I haven’t read in a good few weeks I just don’t want to remove them and admit defeat.

3. Choose a couple of books you read but didn’t enjoy?

Kissing Booth 2: Going The Distance by Beth Reekles

Goodreads | Waterstones | Review

A good read, just not as good as the first book.

The Siren by Kiera Cass

Goodreads | Waterstones | Review

4. A cover buy?

I try not buy from purely the cover I do read the blurb first but here are a few books that I read the blurb because I loved the cover

Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender


Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo

Goodreads | Waterstones

Falling In Love Montage by Ciara Smyth

Goodreads | Waterstones

5. A book you own but hate the cover of?

I try not to hate any covers. Someone, or a team of someones, has put a lot of time and effort into making those covers as beautiful as possible. But a cover I really don’t like is the cover for the original American covers of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. There are so many more beautiful covers that they did later on.

6. A book you haven’t read in years?

I recommend it all the time and by putting as my answer here I’m not going to put it as the answer to my next one (I do have another book in mind for that one) but it has been so long since I read it.

13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson

Goodreads | Waterstones

7. A book you will always recommend?

I always recommend this book because I honestly do not see it being recommended enough.

I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver

Goodreads | Review

8. All time favourite series?

This is so hard to pick! How do I pick?

I don’t do favourites!

But I’m going to pick Percy Jackson

9. Where do you read?

Anywhere and everywhere.

The back of the car.

By bed.

The Library.

The comfy chair in the living room.

While pacing the landing.

10. What are the last two books you gave a 5 star rating to? And why?

The last two books I gave 5 stars to are:

Artemis Fowl and the Lost Colony by Eoin Colfer

Goodreads | Waterstones

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Goodreads | Waterstones

And because I’ve been tagged I’m going to tag a few other people.

Pri @ Personal Opinions of a Fangirl | Princess of Pages | Asha @ Bad Book Thief

Candyce and Isabelle @ The Book Dutchesses

And YOU!

Don’t feel pressured to do it, but if you want to I encourage you to.

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