WWW Wednesday #22

Hi all my Bookworms!

My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm.

How are you all?

Happy Wednesday. I hope that you week is going well so far. What are you up to? Anything good? I hope so.

Wednesday is, as always, a great day for talking about what books we’ve been reading but before I do let me remind you about WWW Wednesday.

WWW Wednesday is weekly bookmeme formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and currently hosted by Taking on a World of Words. And all you have to do is answer the following three questions:

What book(s) are you currently reading?

I only have two books on the go at the moment. It’s an achievement for me to have less than three, which I am quite proud about. I think I’ going to try and keep that way … at least for a little while.

Those books are:

The Falling In Love Montage by Ciara Smyth

Goodreads | Waterstones

I am about 100 pages from the end of this book. One more reading session and it’ll be done. It might even be done before this is posted.

Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Goodreads | Waterstones

What book(s) did you recently finish?

I’ve only managed to read one book this week, but it was really important because it was for the blog tour last Friday, which means that for once I am able to give you the review as soon as I’ve read it.

Knightmare Arcanist by Shami Stovall

Goodreads | Waterstones | Review

What book(s) will you read next?

At the minute the choice is between the long list of ARCs sat on my NetGalley shelf and the list of blogtour books that I have coming up in the next few weeks.

I also got bookmail last week so the new Kevin Kwan book might take precedence over all of that and I’ll read that first.

Sex and Vanity by Kevin Kwan

Goodreads | Waterstones

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