Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Should Be Adapted to Shows or Movies

Hi all!

My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm.

I am posting this incredibly late. I was meant to write this over the weekend so I would be organised for this week but I ended up working an extra small shift on Sunday and missed a day where I could sit down and write blog posts. I worked all day yesterday (and had a panic attack at work) and today I am off.

It’s that time of the month today and I am quite sore so I am going to write this post as quickly as possible while I can sit in the chair and then love you and leave you.

Top Ten Tuesday, in case you didn’t know is a a weekly book meme that is going ten years strong that was originally created by The Broke and The Bookish in 2010 and switched to That Artsy Reader Girl in 2018.  Each week we have a different topic and this week’s topic is books that should be adapted to shows or movies.

I think I hold a pretty common opinion when it comes to adaptions. I want films (or tv series) to be adapted but I want them done well, and to my exacting standards and very few film (or tv series) adaptations meet my standards.

Here are the few films (or tv series) that I would love to see adapted.

Disclaimer: The Waterstones links below are affiliate links meaning that, at no extra cost to you, I earn a small commission on all purchases made.

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

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I predict that this series will be really popular. Whenever I have seen this topic talked about on the bird app Lunar Chronicles always seems to be top of the list.

The Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter

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Heist Society by Ally Carter

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Both of this series would make brilliant tv series or films. Definitely aimed at a younger audience but with all the suspense of the Oceans films or any spy film that you can think of. If you haven’t read these books, I highly recommend them.

13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson

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I love this book so much. I think it would make a great film and you could really pick and amazing cast for it and go to some amazing places.

And that’s about all I can manage for today, and even if it wasn’t I’m not sure I can think of any others that I want desperately enough to put my trust in the film industry to make them how I want.

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