Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Make Me Hungry

Hi all!

My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm!

How are you all?

What a topic that Jana has chose for us this week?!

‘Books that make me hungry’ Was anyone else stumped by this topic when they first read it? Please say it wasn’t just me?!

I racked my brain but the only idea that I could come up with is cookbooks … which I own a lot of.

But before I give you my list … let me tell you more about Top Ten Tuesday.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book meme that is going ten years strong that was originally created by The Broke and The Bookish in 2010 and switched to That Artsy Reader Girl in 2018.  Each week we have a different topic.

Disclaimer: The Waterstones links below are affiliate links meaning that, at no extra cost to you, I earn a small commission from any purchases made.

The Silver Spoon by ?

Goodreads | Waterstones

I love the Phaidon cookbooks. They are so big and so complete. However with this one it doesn’t have an author on the book and I have seen different author’s credited with it. Goodreads says it’s by Phaidon Press but it also says Clelia D’Ofrinio and Waterstones credits Alberto Capatti with writing the original Italian book. I am completely confused with who to credit this book.

China: The Cookbook by Kei Lum Chan and Diora Fong Chan

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France: The Cookbook by Ginette Mathiot

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This book and China are also Phaidon book and I love how complete these books are. You can pick any recipe and it will be short and tell you exactly what you need, but it you need a sauce or another component for the dish it give you the page to find it. It you want to learn all about cook a particular type of cooking look at Phaidon to see if they have a book on it before going anywhere else.

The Cooking Book by Jane Bull


This is the book I learnt to cook with when I was younger, cooking mud pie and upside down cake and all my childhood favourites.

The Hair Bikers’ Asian Adventure by Si King and Dave Myers

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I love all the Hairy Bikers’ recipes and their tv programs. I (and my mother) own a lot of their cook books.

The Wagamama Cookbook by Hugo Arnold

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This is the first Wagamama cookbook, but they have done another once since I bought this one and I really want that one aswell.

Jamie at Home by Jamie Oliver

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Time To Eat by Nadiya Hussain

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I love Nadiya. I don’t watch a lot of Bake Off, but I did watch her season and I love what she does and I love her cooking programs. Her cookbook was a no brainer.

The Hairy Dieters by Dave Myers and Si King

Goodreads | Waterstones

I used the Hairy Dieters’ cookbooks all through uni and even now. Low callory food, that doesn’t taste like low cal food.

K is for Korean by Rukmini Iyer

Goodreads | Waterstones

This was a Christmas present a couple of years ago now from my parents and it is some great Korean recipes.

14 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Make Me Hungry”

  1. I was momentarily stumped when I first read the prompt but I haven’t come across it in any of the weekly meme posts that I do, so that was refreshing 😂 I think I’ve only ever had one cookbook in my life and it was the Jamie Oliver 15 minute meals book. These all look good though 😀

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