Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I’d Name a Pet After

Hi all!

My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm.

It has been a while since I did my last Top Ten Tuesday and I know that I am not posting a lot at the moment, but I saw this week’s topic and had to have a go.

I have three cats. I love the animals and there has always been at least one, or more in the house. My first cat was called Mopsy, after one of the rabbits from the Peter Rabbit stories. I may have been slightly obsessed when I was three years old.

Our current cats and Charlie, Nealix and O.B. Nealix is named after a Star Wars character and O.B. is short for Obsidian, for her all black fur. Charlie … well my brother named Charlie so who knows what she was named for.

But before I dive into all my names that I would choose for my future household of cats, I should remind you what Top Ten Tuesday is all about, especially as it has been a while since we did this.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book meme that is going ten years strong that was originally created by The Broke and The Bookish in 2010 and switched to That Artsy Reader Girl in 2018.  Each week we have a different topic.

  1. Holly Short from the Artemis Fowl novels by Eoin Colfer – I’m not sure why Holly Short speaks to me as a brilliant cat name … but it does.
  2. Kreacher from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling – I could see Kreacher being a messy stray that no matter what you do always looks like a messy stray
  3. Kaz from the Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo – Does that name just remind of a cocky Tom cat?
  4. Rowan from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas – I could imagine Rowan being a tabby always going on adventures and hard to get to stay in the house at night.
  5. Mal from the Stage Dive series by Kylie Scott – Another Tom with attitude problems and loves constant tickles.

There are so many names that I could add but I would rather leave it as a round number. What would you name your future pets? After any of you favourite characters? Let me know in the comments, or even leave a link to your own post for me to check out.

And, until next time …


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