ARC Review: Her Turn by Allison Jones

Hi all!

My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm.

I want to start by saying that I was granted a copy of this book from Netgalley for free in exchange for an honest review.

Publisher: Books Go Social

Date published: 21 January 2021

Format: e-ARC

Pages: 288 pages

Genre: Romance, Contemporary

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐


Addie Snyder’s first novel is becoming an overnight sensation. Unprepared for being thrusted in the limelight, she is desperate to shelter her brother, Owen, who has Down syndrome. After her father abandoned them when Owen was just a baby, she is his sole guardian after her mother passed away. She must protect him from the harsh world, but how can she do that with public events coming up? An unlikely ally in her cold and emotionless publicist, Jameson Ford. As a former Navy Seal, Jameson has his own demons, but there is something about Addie that defrosts his icy wall. Together, they navigate the twists and turns as her book becomes a world-wide phenomenon.

Her life becomes even more complicated when her long-lost father arrives threatening to take Owen away from her and her distant relatives trying to hoard in on Addie’s success. But, through the drama, Addie maintains her humor while popping chocolate kisses as if they were Xanax and seeking solace behind her computer creating stories that fill her soul. Even though all of her dreams are coming true, no one can prepare her for what lies ahead. It’s true when they say, be careful what you wish for.

My Thoughts

I saw this book on Twitter and was excited by the book, however I found through most of it that the writing feel a bit flat and that character quirks appeared in multiple POVs. For me each character’s voice want distinct from the others.

I found the story a little unrealistic but I would love for authors to get the attention that Addie gets. Her rise to superstardom was meteoric and she lives in unimaginable luxury through the book launch and tour when all our dear Addie wants is to disappear back into oblivion. Her internal monologue was hilarious and provides a light into her thoughts and actions.

But despite its flaws it really was a lesson in true love and how to love unconditionally. Own is an inspiration to all, and especially to Jameson and Addie.

This book was not the high that I hope to end 2020 on but I enjoyed it all the same.

Until next time …


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