Top Ten Tuesday: Places in Books I’d Like To Live

Hi all!

My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm.

It’s Tuesday again, and that means one thing. Top Ten Tuesday.

For those of you who don’t know Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book meme that is going ten years strong that was originally created by The Broke and The Bookish in 2010 and switched to That Artsy Reader Girl in 2018.  Each week we have a different topic.

This week’s topic is places in books I’d like to live. I suffer from some severe wanderlust at times and I love to travel but I also have dreams of living in one city for a few years before moving on to the next one and traveling round the world slowly and absorbing in all the sights and sounds of the world, so you can imagine that this topic fits right up my street.

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New York

from Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan

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I’ve read a lot about New York over the years and it always appeals. The busy streets, the variety of food and cultures and the different areas for different moods. And especially Broadway. I really want to see a few of my favourite shows on Broadway.


from Magnus Chases by Rick Riordan

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I’m not quite what the appeal of Boston is, but it always appeals to me in a similar way that Cambridge and Oxford appeal to me. The history and people who must have come through that city will be spectacular.


from In Paris With You by Clementine Beauvais

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This one is a bit of a cheat because I have lived in Paris. It is an amazing city and has thoroughly earned all of its titles. It’s smaller than London but has as much variety in things to do but I can never get enough of certain museums. I could have picked many books to describe Paris but I love the narrator’s view of Paris especially on the metro and in the cafes.


from the Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall

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By this point you may have realises just how much I love busy bustling cities. For me London is one of the busiest. It is a huge city and there is so much to see that I’m not sure you could see it all in one life time. In Boyfriend Material London is an amazing backdrop to a wonderful love story.


from The Tokyo Bicycle Bakery by Su Young Lee

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I don’t know a huge amount about Tokyo but I love the way that Su Young Lee describes Tokyo in her book. A busy metropolis and quiet moments all at the same time. It make the city really appealing.


from The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon

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I have wanted to visit Seattle for a really long time, I think mostly inspired by Grey’s Anatomy but I love the detail that Rachel Lynn Solomon put into the book and the balance she created between the city and the wonderful nature around it.

Camp-Half Blood, Long Island

from The Trials of Apollo by Rick Riordan

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I thought I would include a few fictional places and Camp Half Blood would be top of that list. The lava climbing wall and the campfire that changes colour and intensity with the mood of those sitting around it is really appealing and especially the closeness to the water.


from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

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I love the magic and adventure that Rowling has woven into the main building in Harry Potter and, like Harry, Hogwarts is one of the first places I really wanted to call home.


from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

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I’d love to think that Pemberley is what makes Elizabeth is fall in love with Darcy as she jokes for it is an amazing house. I love where they chose for Pemberley in the 1995 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice (the best adaptation imho) which is Lyme Park in Stockport.


from Hart and Seoul by Kristen Burnham

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Seoul appeals for me so much. I know in this book that we actually see very little, nearly none at all, of Seoul but it is one of the only books I could find, that I’d read, with Seoul. The city hold so much appeal because I would truly love to live there. The city, the food, the fashion, the history, all of it makes me want to book a ticket right now.


from Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan

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Singapore is an amazing city with so much history and so many cultures mashed together that I really want to experience. I know that I would have to have a lot of money to experience it properly but I’ve got to have goal, haven’t I?

I hope you’ve like this list and that it may have inspired you’re reading, or maybe even so travel adventures. Where on the list would be your top priority to travel to? Where have you always wanted to live in your favourite books?

Until next time…


3 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Places in Books I’d Like To Live”

  1. What a great list! I’ve always wanted to live in or visit Seattle. I love the rain, so I definitely think it would be fitting! This is a great list and inspires me to pick up some of these sooner!

    Liked by 1 person

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