Confessions of a Bookworm: Shock Horror! I’m Reading a Book!

Hi all! My name is Chiara and I'm a bookworm. It is probably a really bad idea writing a blog at 2am when I'm absolutely shattered and just got hope from work but I'm not quite sleepy yet and I need a something to tire my mind out. So I'm writing to you lovely bookworms.… Continue reading Confessions of a Bookworm: Shock Horror! I’m Reading a Book!

Confessions of a Bookworm: Cats!

Hi all! My name is Chiara and I'm a Bookworm. We all love cats, don't we? I certainly do. I have three. They're brilliant, most of the time. But they won't sit together so don't ever expect a picture of them all together. I love them to pieces and each one has a brilliant, unique… Continue reading Confessions of a Bookworm: Cats!