Teaser Tuesday: Princess in Practice

Hi all! My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm. This week's book is Princess in Practice by Connie Glynn. It is the sequel to Undercover Princess, the book I reviewed last week. Find it here. I kind of cheated on Teaser Tuesday this week. I saw the perfect quote on as I was… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday: Princess in Practice

Teaser Tuesday: The Siren

Hi all! My name's Chiara and I'm a bookworm. Teaser Tuesday is a bookmeme hosted by the Purple Booker. Basically I turn to a random page and choose two sentences from that given page. This week's book is The Siren by Kiera Cass, and our quote comes from page 103. Parma looked delighted. "So I… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday: The Siren

Teaser Tuesday: 30th October 2018

Hi all! My name is Chiara and I'm a bookworm. I came across this book meme a few weeks ago when alilovesbooks from the site IWuvBooks shared her Tuesday Teaser on a Discovery of Witches. It looked very interesting so I decided to have a go. It was created by The Purple Booker. Check out… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday: 30th October 2018