Review: Geekerella by Ashley Poston

Hi all my Bookworms!

My name Chiara and I am a Bookworm.

How are you all?

You all know that I usually do a bit of an introduction to each review but I really just want to dive in to this book and let you just how much I love it.

Publisher: Quirk Books

Date published: 4th April 2017

Format: paperback

Pages: 320 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Goodreads | Waterstones

I want to thank whoever gifted me Geekerella.  I did get a note but I don’t want to put their personal name on here, especially since I didn’t get a twitter handle in order to ask them.

I loved every second of the book.  I have read and watched enough Cinderella retellings to know that I don’t love them all and they are very hard to get right.  But this one did it.  It is the first time that I have read any of Ashley Poston’s work and I won’t hesitate to read some more.

They story follows Elle and Darien, to teens who both love sci-fi, or one particular sci-fi show in particular … Starfield, which to my mind seems to be some combination of star trek, star wars, a few other shows and a lot of creative genius from the author.  I want to watch that show.  It sound incredible.

Elle shows her fan support by blogging about the show.  Darien shows his support by playing the Federation Prince Carmindor in the reboot film.  In the promotion for the film Darien ends up agreeing to appear at ExcelsiCon, the convention that Elle’s dad created and organised up until his death (part of me saying that he is dead is a spoiler, but this is Cinderella, did you think he was alive?).

Darien really doesn’t want to go so he gets in contact with the organisers and, he ends up texting Elle.  Not that he knows he is texting his worst critic on the internet.  And things move on from there.

I love the two sides of the relationship.  The intense hate that the pair share for each other in some ways, and the intense, I’m not sure what word to use here to describe their positive relationship, friendship, love neither work, but they both do.  It is simultaneously a friends-to-lovers and a enemies-to-lovers story.  I didn’t think the two could work together, but they do.

And I don’t just love the couple (thought they are well worth loving) I love the writing, the other characters and they way that it is all brought together.

Poston definitely knows what is talking about when it comes to sci-fi.  I hadn’t even read two pages and I knew that.

The single sentence that told me that went something along the lines of:

Unless the twins start moving at warp speed, I’ll be cutting it real close.  I say a prayer to the Lord of Light or Q or whoever is listening

There was also all the things that you would expect in a Cinderella retelling like glass slippers, pumpkin carriages, balls that end at midnight, awful step-sisters and evil step-mothers.  And, don’t work they are all included.  You won’t miss a beat of the well known story.

I highly recommend this book to anyone.  I loved every second of it.  Sci-fi nerds will love it, but so will YA fans and anyone looking for a good romance.  This really should be on your summer reads list, if it isn’t already.

12 thoughts on “Review: Geekerella by Ashley Poston”

  1. I’ve heard a tonne of things about this book, and recall it was really popular?? I’m so happy you liked it! I’ve been super into Cinderella retellings lately – I’ve been watching Another Cinderella Story and other Cinderella movies hehe


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