A little catch up!

Hi all!

It’s been a while since we spoke but I wanted to catch back up with you all!

My name is Chiara and I am a bookworm.

I hope the spring has treated you well and you are enjoying the summer so far.

The uk is having a scorcher so far. But I’m loving it. I’m a summer born baby and the heat, when I’m not at work has been brilliant.

Speaking of work, our air-con is on the fritz and it has been so hot in there and masks aren’t making it easy to hydrate.

I’m heading off on my holidays next week and I actually feel in the mood to read while I’m away.

I haven’t read much recently. It’s part of the reason I’ve been away for a while. Everything I pick up I loose interest in. And I know it’s not the book’s fault because I’ve reside reeeading books, I’ve tried new books by new authors, I’ve tried new books by some of my favourite authors but none of it seems to be getting me out of this reading slump that I’m in.

But I want to read when I’m on holiday.

I hope this is a step in the right direction.

The question is what I want to read.

If I’m not taking to any of my usual genres, what do I take with me?

Part of me wants to take about half my tbr pile, currently piled up under my bed due to the lack of shelf space, but I know that it’s not practical. I mean the car only has so much space and there are three other people who are coming on the holiday.

So what do I take?

Please leave answers on a postcard, or maybe even in the comments.

It’s going to be an interesting holiday, I think.

Holiday, at least for me, are a chance to explore, learn, develop yourself rather than spend all day by the pool or the beach doing … nothing.

I’m the sort of holidayer who gets up at 6 and goes out for an early morning walk, back for breakfast by 8 and probably on the road again by 9 to see a museum or go on another walk somewhere new, or different. Maybe I’ll spend all day on a steam engine, or taking a tour through a mine of some sort. That’s how my holidays have always been.

But my father keep trying to tell me that we don’t have to anything on the holiday. If I want to spend all week with a book in the cottage or on the beach then I can do. If I want to take Lego and do Lego all week, I can do.

But I want to get out and see the world again. The world we’ve been shut off from for far longer than any of us thought.

I know it’s not possible quite yet but we’re getting there, aren’t we? The world is slowly learning to live with COVID, aren’t we?

And now I’ve took a turn I didn’t want to.

I’m not sure when I’ll catch up with you again, but I hope it won’t be as long as last time.

Thank you for sticking with me when I disappeared.



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