#SixForSunday: Books With Snakes in The Title/ On The Cover

A new month, means a new topic and this month's topic is entirely inspired by Viper by Bex Hogan. I own the book, but I haven't read it yet. I think I started when I bought it but I need to read it. All the posts this month might inspire me to pick it up again.

#SixForSunday: Blue Books

I hope that you've all had a good week. Things have been a bit up and down this week so when I remembered that this week's #SixForSunday post was blue and green books I decided to go with just the blue but to include some books (or blurbs of books) that really make me smile.

#Six4Sunday: Series I’ve Started and Not Yet Finished

This week's topic was books that have made me cry but I'm not a huge crier and I'm not really feeling the list so I came up with another. Series I've started and not yet finished.

#SixForSunday: Favourite Authors, Books and Characters

I've been pondering how to complete this week's #SixForSunday. I've done favourite author lists and favourite books lists and favourite character lists so many times before so I wanted to do something different. The prompt was an or, or, or situation but I am going combine all three into … something.