Review: Isn’t It Bromantic? (Bromance Book Club #4) by Lyssa Kay Adams

Hi all!

My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm.

I am so excited to review yet another Lyssa Kay Adams book I have loved all of the books so far and this one was no exception.

Isn’t It Bromantic?

By Lyssa Kay Adams

Publisher: Berkley

Date published: 20th July 221

Format: e-book

Length: 350 pages

Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Chick Lit, Rom Com, Fiction, Adult

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


With his passion for romance novels, it was only a matter of time before Vlad wrote one.

Elena Konnikova has lived her entire adult life in the shadows. As the daughter of a Russian journalist who mysteriously disappeared, she escaped danger the only way she knew how: She married her childhood friend, Vladimir, and moved to the United States, where he is a professional hockey player in Nashville.

Vlad, aka the Russian, thought he could be content with his marriage of convenience. But it’s become too difficult to continue in a one-sided relationship. He joined the Bromance Book Club to learn how to make his wife love him, but all he’s learned is that he deserves more. He’s ready to create his own sweeping romance—both on and off the page.

The bros are unwilling to let Vlad forgo true love—and this time they’re not operating solo. They join forces with Vlad’s neighbors, a group of meddling widows who call themselves the Loners. But just when things finally look promising, Elena’s past life intrudes and their happily ever after is cast into doubt.


Can you believe it? Lyssa Kay Adams has done it again. I know I’ve sung the praises of her work a lot over the last year or so, but this book really does deserve every single one of the five stars that I’ve given it and probably a good few more. How does she create male heroes that we love so much, and yet want to slap them when they’re just so infuriating?

Vlad, or the Russian as we knew him for so long, has been a background character, and a long running joke in all of the bromance book club books so far but I am so excited that he got his own book. We knew he was married to a wife that was never around and now we all know why … or at least I know. You aren’t going to find out until you pick this book up and read it. I love what a complex character Adams has created on the Russian. A hard, determined athlete, a well of emotion and an animal lover who can’t get enough of a good romance book, but can’t communicate to for cheese with his wife and life long best friend Elena.

All our favourite Bromance Book Club members make an appearance throughout the book and a new club makes a wonderful appearance, with more than a few members I hope we see again.

As seems to be a running theme with Lyssa Kay Adams Bromance books, animals. Animals who are friendly and companions and there when you need them, but also animals who seem to be experts in coitus interuptus.

I can’t recommend this series enough. Everyone book is an adventure in the highs and lows of life. I hope you read this book, but I highly recommend, that if you haven’t already, you start at the beginning. There are too many inside jokes that you’d miss out on if you started with this one.

Find my other review at the link below

The Bromance Book Club

Undercover Bromance

Crazy Stupid Bromance

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