Browsing Britain’s Bookshops: Plackitt & Booth Booksellers, Lytham St Anne’s

Hi all!

My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm.

Last week I did a post all about Browsers Bookshop in Porthmadog. In that bookshop I found the book Bookshop Tours of Britain and I’ve been ticking off as many bookshops as I can in my days off. So far I’m up to seven.

The second bookshop I visited, on my first full day out Browsing Britain’s Bookshops, was Plackitt & Booth Booksellers.

The shop is quite a small one on the Lytham high street. Lytham isn’t that far away from home and I realised once I was in there that I had been in there before. Only once, but the bookshop was familiar.

I don’t think I mentioned it in my last post but I have three points I look at when decided whether I like a bookshop.

The Staff

The Personality of the Bookshop

The Range and Variety of Books

There was only one member of staff in this bookshop when I visited and they were, for most of my visit on the phone. That’s not a problem, it may have been an important phone call, and the phone went down pretty quickly when I approached the counter to pay. The staff member, was polite, but not very chatty.

I found the personality of the bookshop a little … predictable, however they had a good range and variety of books, I loved what there was, and there was plenty. One wall was mostly non-fiction and the other adult fiction separated by a few categories. At the back of the store was the children’s section, which was at least half toys and games, and half books. My only niggling problem with the layout and range is that there were more than a few books that I would class as young adult/teenage books that were slipped in with the adult books.

I know this was one visit and I’m sure if I went again my visit would be better.

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