A Bookworm NOT in Paris: A Long Time Coming Update: March 2021

I have been terribly inactive this past week and I've been struggling for a little while before that to keep a regular schedule, but this past week was the first one all year where I didn't manage to post anything.

#SixForSunday: Books With Snakes in The Title/ On The Cover

A new month, means a new topic and this month's topic is entirely inspired by Viper by Bex Hogan. I own the book, but I haven't read it yet. I think I started when I bought it but I need to read it. All the posts this month might inspire me to pick it up again.

Review: Get A Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

I've got a brilliant book to talk about today that I just can't wait to recommend to you all. I'd seen a lot of people talk about this book and this series, especially as book two came out and now that book 3 is out and I don't have to wait between reading books if I want I thought that it was time to give them a go.

Top Ten Tuesday: Places in Books I’d Like To Live

This week's topic is places in books I'd like to live. I suffer from some severe wanderlust at times and I love to travel but I also have dreams of living in one city for a few years before moving on to the next one and traveling round the world slowly and absorbing in all the sights and sounds of the world, so you can imagine that this topic fits right up my street.

#SixForSunday: Blue Books

I hope that you've all had a good week. Things have been a bit up and down this week so when I remembered that this week's #SixForSunday post was blue and green books I decided to go with just the blue but to include some books (or blurbs of books) that really make me smile.

Review: The Tourist Attraction by Sarah Morgenthaler

This week's review has been a long while coming. I can't even remember the exact dates that I read it but I loved it and though this review may be a little vague because it has been a long while, I really hope I manage to a pass along just how much I enjoyed this book and entice you to read it.