Book Review | Tokyo Ever After by Emiko Jean

I really enjoyed this book. The pretence of the book reminded me a lot of princess diaries, which takes me back to being about 8 years old a falling in love with my first non-fantasy book. Admittedly it not the same, but it was the hook that got me caught.

Mini Reviews: Audible Originals: Call Me Maybe, The Set Up and The Bridesmates

I bring you three different books to review today. They will be short, mini reviews but they are all audible originals. In fact these were my first audible originals and I can't recommend them enough.

Blog Tour Review: Kate in Waiting by Becky Albertalli

I have been waiting a long time to review this book. I saw it when it was announced ages a go and I really thought that I would have to wait until it was published till I got to read it but then Dave announced the blog tour.

Review: Get A Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

I've got a brilliant book to talk about today that I just can't wait to recommend to you all. I'd seen a lot of people talk about this book and this series, especially as book two came out and now that book 3 is out and I don't have to wait between reading books if I want I thought that it was time to give them a go.

Blog Tour Review: Villa of Sun and Secrets by Jennifer Bohnet

Hi all! My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm. How are you all? I want to begin by thanking Rachel, our dear author, Jennifer Bohnet and the publisher, Boldwood Books for my free copy of the audiobook in exchange for an honest review. Villa of Sun and Secrets by Jennifer Bohnet Publisher: Boldwood… Continue reading Blog Tour Review: Villa of Sun and Secrets by Jennifer Bohnet