#SixForSunday: Books Set In The Country I Live In

I don't know why I always find it so brilliant when I read books set in the UK, but I suppose it must be because I'm so used to reading books that are set in America that when I open a book that I didn't expect to be set in the uk and it is, I am almost bowled other. I am so excited to see how the author has represented my country.

Monthly Wrap Up: February 2021 … PLUS March Mini TBR

Hi all! My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm. I hope you all have had a good month. February was quite an interesting month for me. I went from having a really good month with my asthma all through January to a really bad one. I've come home early from work twice and… Continue reading Monthly Wrap Up: February 2021 … PLUS March Mini TBR

Top Ten Tuesday: Characters Whose Jobs I Wish I Had

A lot of the time I wish I had any job but the one I have. Does anyone else do that? Well, when I'm in a wishing mood I turn to literature. I escape into fantasy and I dream of the jobs that my characters have.

#Six4Sunday: Series I’ve Started and Not Yet Finished

This week's topic was books that have made me cry but I'm not a huge crier and I'm not really feeling the list so I came up with another. Series I've started and not yet finished.

Top Ten Tuesday: Books With Purple Yellow and Green Covers

I was a bit unsure how to approach this post. I would say that Green Yellow and Purple are some of the the colours that I would say are the most unusual to find on books. It took a lot of shelf hunting to find ten books that had those colours predominantly on the covers.