#SixForSunday: Fictional Places I Would Like To Visit

What fictional places have you always longed to go to? Teenage me loved all these places and I still can't wait to go. Send me my letter, let a monster attack me, let me become a spy. I'll even die a honourable death to get myself into Valhalla.

Top Ten Tuesday: Characters Whose Jobs I Wish I Had

A lot of the time I wish I had any job but the one I have. Does anyone else do that? Well, when I'm in a wishing mood I turn to literature. I escape into fantasy and I dream of the jobs that my characters have.

WWW Wednesday #26

I think that some of you will have noticed that I didn't put up a WWW Wednesday post last week. I didn't put one up in the most part because I want to give you another week where I hadn't read anything and I hadn't finished anything.