Never Been Kissed by Timothy Janovsky | Book Review

Hi all my Bookworms!

I hope you’ve all been well. I’ve been powering through some books this month and I hopefully I’m going to be able to actually get a few weeks in a row of review out. I’m trying to get back into a good habit with blogging. I’m getting there, I promise. I’ve got so many books to talk about; I am reading at least one book a week, sometimes even two or three.

I hope you like this week’s books. I certainly did. It’s a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ book, not the best I’ve read of the year but definitely going to make the end of year list.

If you’ve read the book I’d love to hear your comments in the comments below and if you want me to review more books like this, please leave some likes as well.

Never Been Kissed by Timothy Janovsky

Goodreads | Waterstones

Never Been Kissed follows our two romantic heroes, Wren and Derick. Both of our boys have just graduated (US) college, are 22, and are trying to find their way in the world as they leave full time education. Both boys end up back home to Willow Valley and and working at their local drive in, Wiley’s.

Just before Wren goes back home he sends, one night in a very drunken state, emails to all the crushes he’s had before he came out as gay. Very To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before! Four different ones are emailed, and one ends up in Derick’s inbox.

I’m sure you can guess where it goes from there, and if you can’t, you can read the book.

The characters that Janovsky created are really hard not to fall in love with. There is so much depth to the characters, and I love how they grow and develop through the book. They are really fun and light, but serious and explore heavier matters as the book progresses. This is not your regular romcom, all light and air and happiness. It contains some real, hard, impactful moments as our characters learn about themselves as much as each other.

I think favourite theme is the power of people. I won’t give too much away, but everyone really comes together when it matters, and you could really picture one of those, team work, powerful film montages during the book. Our ending really couldn’t have been achieved by just our two characters alone.

Overall I gave this book ⭐⭐⭐⭐. There were places where the book was a little slow and slightly lacking, but as a complete experience, I loved it. It took me a few sittings to read, i wasn’t hooked enough to read it all in one go.

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